I approach my work with the perspective that…

We have bodily wisdom that holds all the answers we need to self heal. We can tap into this benevolent knowing when we bring loving awareness to our thoughts, our patterns, and the rhythms of you- breath, pulse, sensations, movements. When we take the time to notice what stirs in the container of our experience, we can honor what we’re holding - slowing it down and slicing it thinner.

When we revere our capacity for resonance and dissonance, our body becomes a shelter to hold it all. We create more safety in ourselves for expansion and deeper access to breath. We find our way back home to our essential nature. We find what feels most settled and rest there. If we choose to. Because choosing is more important than doing.

Typically, people feel called to my work for support in:

  • Healing Mother/ Father Wounds

  • Healing Attachment Wounds

  • Adopting Principles of Conscious Relationships

  • Disrupting Patterns of Generational Trauma in their Lineage

  • Re-Parenting Themselves

  • Birth + Bereavement Doula support

  • Trauma Healing

  • Reclaiming Sensuality + Pleasure

Book a consultation

If you feel a connection to me and my work, the first step would be for us to simply talk. In this 30min. informal conversation we’ll connect more deeply about where you find yourself on your path.

Come as you are. It’s safe here.

Session Menu

I provide sessions for individuals, as well as groups. While some people choose to book a one time session, others may choose to have a standing weekly session. This space is ours to co create. We can include influences and practices from several modalities, or concentrate on one.

Somatic Embodiment + Meditation Practice

Embodiment is the practice of attending to our sensations.

Somatic embodiment centralizes body awareness as a primary agent for healing, taking the therapeutic experience beyond words. By integrating the sensations of the physical body with the messages of the spiritual body, we nurture deep healing and affirm self acceptance.

Doula Services

I provide practical, evidence-based care with integrated, intuitive roots for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and miscarriage.

My holistic practice is grounded in the belief that birth is a spiritual ceremony. I provide specialty wisdom in meditation, rituals for remembrance, Hypnobirthing, healing the body with plant medicine, gentle birthing techniques, and birth record keeping

I’ve Inherited Wisdom In:

  • Ancestral Tradition + Ancient wisdom

  • Birth + Breastfeeding

  • Evidence-Based Research + the Ethereal

  • Mindfulness + Movement

  • Acupressure for Pregnancy + Birth

  • Rhythm + Ritual

  • Sacred Anatomy + Sex

  • Self-Care + Spirituality

  • Activism + Advocacy

Therapeutic Yoga

As a certified Restorative Yoga instructor, I facilitate deep nervous system healing with the use of therapeutic yoga.

This gentle practice is done at a slow pace and focuses on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing

Space Holding Sessions

Holding Space for someone is the practice of listening deeply and offering reflections.

In intimate and affirming space holding sessions, I offer gentle support through the lens of attachment theory and Inner Relationship Focusing. Space Holding sessions resemble talk therapy, yet perhaps more nurturing, holistic, and collaborative.

Conscious Love Guidance

Conscious Love brings our awareness to the ways that our experiences, trauma, and conditioning affect our relationships - and provides a framework for cultivating healing and deep connection.

I provide support to parents, as well as partners (kink + poly affirming), interested in engaging in conscious relationships.