
Publications & Events


Publications & Events


Crysta Bloom

Is a published writer and dynamic speaker sought after to cover topics such as healing, wellness, pleasure, Conscious Parenting, Re-parenting, and birth — as well as the ways these subjects intersect with race, privilege, and relational wounds.

Crysta is also a storyteller at Soul Fire Farm, who speaks to the media about the way our connection to ourselves transmits outwardly to our connection with the land.

Media and Publications


Our Medicine Conversation with Crysta Bloom

On the ties between doulahood and everything else, nourishment, and the power of food grown with love. Crysta is the Communications Manager at Soul Fire Farm and, as you will hear in this conversation, a brilliant doula, practitioner, community member, and nourisher.

The Cosmic Business Podcast: Farming for Joy with Crysta Bloom

In this conversation, Crysta shares with us how her work as a somatic embodiment practitioner and therapeutic yoga teacher relates to farming and the land.

Talking Pleasure with Crysta

In this intimate conversation with beloved friend and LCSW Rachelle Pean Crysta shares her story and insights around pleasure activism.


Crysta Bloom on Channel Albany TV

In this interview Crysta shares about her work and inspiration.


‘Open Letter to My Sisters’: A Doula Mother’s Reflection

Guest Writer, MamaGlow

Crysta recounts her journey to motherhood and the circle of sisterhood that supported her though it all.


Montessori 123: Anti-Racism in the Montessori Community

Crysta is quoted in this personal attestation from the Montessori 123 team. Its accessible language explores the layers of anti racism in the Montessori community and provides resources for learning.

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Shame unEarthed: A Profound Journey to Sexual Liberation

Guest Writer, MamaGlow

Crysta unveils her journey to sexual freedom in this revealing article with MamaGlow’s Mamazine.


Montessori at home: inspiration from the home and words of Crysta Bloom, The Kind Cocoa Mama

The Montessori Notebook

Crysta sits down with Simone Davis, author of “The Montessori Toddler”, to discuss her love of Montessori and its intersections with race, class, and privilege.


A Cross generational exploration of breastfeeding

Guest Writer, Boober

Crysta is the first in her lineage to breastfeed for many generations. In this article she recounts her challenges and how nursing has evolved through generations of women in her family.




Room to Breathe is a virtual wellness retreat focused on people of color working in predominantly white institutions, curated by Rebecca KellyG with sessions led by an incredible team of practitioners and facilitators dedicated to liberation and wellness. We cultivate space for authenticity, release, and community.

Restorative Movement & Care Team

In this somatic embodiment session, we get curious about what it might feel like to move through the world in a state of benevolence, authenticity, and freedom. As we explore our essential nature, we begin to discover how our internal resonance might outwardly transmit hope, change, and radical self-love.

Crysta will also be present throughout the retreat to offer support and a place to rest for any participants who need it through embodiment practices.


Crysta Bloom Featured on the Beauty + Wellness Panel at CosmeCon 2022

CosmeConTM is a nationwide beauty summit series hosted by Pacific Retail properties. Brands in the beauty, wellness, and fitness industries come together for an experience that celebrates local communities, female entrepreneurs, personal wellness, and beauty


Crysta Bloom at O+ Festival

The 2022 O+ Kingston Festival brought 40+ bands, 30+ artists, a dozen writers and more than 120 Clinic providers together to deliver over 200 Wellness services for musicians & artists!

ExplO+re Class: Spiral: A Winding Somatic Journey Back to Our Essential Nature

Somewhere along the way, our original essence was muddied by the grit of our circumstances. Our capacity to feel, to really FEEL with our whole body, was diminished. The full breath of our experience was muffled. Because we are wired to survive, even at our own expense. In this Somatic Embodiment class, we will explore and discover our lost essential nature. The children we once were. Through gentle breath work, guided meditation, and Embodiment practices, we will unwind the stories held in our body. We will float in the river of our experience. Revealing our most honest essence and learning to be in relationship with it once again. Getting curious about what it might feel like to move through the world in this state of benevolence and authenticity. How this internal resonance might outwardly transmit hope, change, and radical self love. Tiana, a sound healer, will play crystal bowls and Amadou, a Senegalese drummer, will play live drums – adding richness and depth with these sound elements.


Reset Sundays: A three Day workshop series on reparenting

Reparenting is the revolutionary act of giving to yourself what you did not receive in childhood.

Join me and the Root3d BIPOC community for the next 3 Sundays in December at noon. Beginning December 13th 2020  

In this workshop we will: 

  • Identify gaps in our childhood 

  • Explore what we have internalized from our childhood and how it has manifested for us as adults.

  • Explore our inner world: Who is the narrator of your Inner Voice? How old is your inner child?

  • Reset, restore, and replenish


A Collective Unburdening: Women’ Salon

Meditation Healer, Centre for Social Innovation

Survivors speaking out in this era of Metoo and TimesUp has created a huge cultural shift toward a less patriarchal society. This salon is an intentional space for women who have made the determination not to make their experiences public or are still in process with that question. We will dialogue around the power of personal transformation for collective justice, exchange tactics for self-care and creating inner peace when a source of your pain holds power in your community/is a public figure and explore through writing, meditation, and sound.

Rebecca Kelly Golfman will hold the space and offer soundscapes for healing and reflection alongside Sexual Wellness Coach, Betsy Perez and Meditation Healer, Crysta Bloom.